“A mother from Aleppo crying and inquiring why her children were killed in the bombing of the city, March 9th, 2014.” [source]
In my mind, the clearest proof that this is all BS is that mothers in warzones lose their children to bombs and bullets. Surely, if anyone has strong positive wishes, it’s a mother for her children, isn’t it? Don’t mothers in war zones pray every night that their babies will be spared from the death raining down from the air? Don’t they wish every every day for relief from the violence? So why aren’t they delivered? Because their thoughts aren’t positive enough? Their intentions aren’t pure enough? Their visualizing isn’t clear enough? WTF?!
If we could measure it somehow, which would be stronger: the intentions of a privileged US American seeking a successful career, or a parent in occupied Palestine desperately hoping that the missles striking their neighborhood don’t maim or murder their children?
If you’ve never done so, look up “fallujah depleted uranium birth defects” in a search engine. In 2004, the US attacked Fallujah, Iraq, with shells tipped with “depleted” uranium. Despite the name, it’s a radioactive substance and a rash of birth defects followed. Babies were born with multiple limbs, and with internal organs on the outsides of their bodies. The photos are some of the most horrifying things I’ve ever seen, and I go look at them about once a year to remind myself why I oppose US militarism.
So, if the “Law of Attraction” is true, then what did the mothers of Fallujah do wrong? What “negative thoughts” brought this terrible curse onto their babies? What should they have “visualized” so that the uranium would be made harmless? How could they have “manifested” children who were healthy despite being poisoned?
I find the whole thing deeply offensive, frankly. Such theories can only survive in contexts of great privilege or deep denial, or both. In the interest of peace, we must reject them, and get to the real work of making the world a better place. This means less self-indulgence and more mutual aid, with the goal of replacing systems of oppression.