If there’s one thing we can count on when it comes to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), it’s that they’ll say whatever they need to in order to serve their primary constituents: the ranching and resource extraction industries. Not for nothing are they known as the Bureau of Livestock and Mining. On February 14th, they released their latest con: the “Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for Fuel Breaks in the Great Basin” (hereinafter, “the PEIS”).
“Fuel breaks”? Must have something to do with fighting wildfires, and we all know what a problem those have been lately, so this must be a good idea, right? Moving right along, then…
Wait—not so fast! Even a cursory look with an environmental eye reveals the act of wanton destruction that this project actually is, and a practical appraisal shows that it won’t even be effective in fighting the big wildfires that are becoming the new normal under Climate Change.
The basics of the plan: Create “fuel breaks” by clearing vegetation along 11,000 miles of BLM roads and rights-of-way, to a width of 500 feet (250 feet on each side). The total area that will potentially be directly affected is just over 1,000,000 acres.
This is a big project and a big fraud.
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