Four Corners Generating Station in New Mexico. Photo taken prior to installation of emission controls equipment for removal of sulfur dioxide and particulate matter. (Credit: National Park Service)
In our corporate-ruled system, which only allows candidates who put profit over planet, those of us who care about the environment had our work cut out for us no matter who won the presidential election. (See my 10/7/24 post: “The Environment & the Election.”) But with Trump at the helm, we know specifically what we’re up against: Project 2025.
We all need to familiarize ourselves with Project 2025 because the time to start resisting it is now. Below is a list of educational resources I recommend, in article, video and podcast form.
The broad strokes: Project 2025 is a 900-page document put out by the right-wing Heritage Foundation that’s intended to guide policy and staffing in a Republican presidency. It covers all areas of governance, with environmental topics taking up a full 150 pages. The main thrust of Project 2025 is to dismantle the administrative state, which will include weakening or eliminating regulation that protects the environment.
Paraphrasing a summary by Earthjustice, Project 2025 proposes to gut the Endangered Species Act, repeal the Antiquities Act (which empowers the president to declare national monuments), weaken the Clear Air Act and undermine NEPA (the National Environmental Policy Act), which is one of the best tools that environmentalists have for pushing back on environmental destruction in the US. It also seeks to maximize fossil fuel production, cut EPA funding for studying toxic pollution, shut down climate research, and reject the concept of environmental justice. (Their full summary: “What Project 2025 Would Do to the Environment – and How We Will Respond.”)
That’s the tldr, but we need to know more than that, hence the list of resources. But before that, I want to address the feelings of despair or helplessness you might have about both Trump’s vote total and the harrowing details of Project 2025. Let’s put these things in perspective.