I had the great pleasure of being interviewed by J.G. Michael for his podcast, “Parallax Views.” If it’s a good listen, I’ll credit his hosting style, which was thoughtful, concise and provided a clear rudder.
Listen to it here.
Here is his description of the episode:
On this edition of Parallax Views, Kollibri terre Sonnenblume, author of Roadtripping at the End of the World, joins us to discuss the climate crisis and his recent piece “The Teachable Moment of the Greta Thunberg Phenomena”, which responds to the provocative six-part report “The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg – for Consent: The Political Economy of the Non-Profit Industrial Complex” by investigative journalist Cory Morningstar. This is not, however, an attempted takedown of Greta Thunberg or the phenomena she has sparked in regards to climate activism. Kollibri finds a great deal of inspiration in Thunberg, but argues that we must guard against her message being co-opted by those seeking to only make gestures about climate change and take half measures in response to it. Indeed, Thunberg herself seemed to express this same sentiment in her now famous “How Dare You!” speech delivered at the 2019 UN climate change summit in New York. Additionally we discuss politics, the environmental movement as a whole, the Green New Deal, generational difference between boomers, Gen X, and millennials, the media, and much, much more!