Some people say age is just a number. Of course in many ways that’s totally true. As far as I’ve seen, anyway, length of time on this planet has no bearing on intelligence, maturity, creativity, sensitivity or perspicacity. My whole life I have kept company with people across a broad age range and I’ve known a good many older people who were clueless, puerile and undiscerning and a good many younger ones who were sharp, capable and clear. (I’ve met nearly no one who could be described as “wise,” but then I haven’t gotten out of the US much.)
Nonetheless, I have remained intrigued about age as it relates to history. So, I value the experiences of people ten to twenty years older than me who have clear memories of the Sixties and early Seventies, and I am interested in the views of those twenty to thirty years younger who never knew the world without the internet.